We help You learn

RefPal is the most innovative video analysis tool for referees to improve their performances and for refereeing departments to develop their referees.
Kristo Tohver, RefPal co-founder "The future of referee development"

Systematic and engaging, even addictive

At RefPal we have taken a scientific approach to the art of refereeing, adding interaction and fun to the learning process, and created a strong community around the game we love.
All-in-one tool
Everything you need in refereeing analysis, education and match preparation is in the same place and within a click, creating efficiency & time save.
Systematic Learning
Evaluating incidents on comparative scales divided into topics and subtopics, referees learn how to react in each specific situation during a match.
Working with the latest incidents and getting committee feedback before the next round while comparing your theoretical accuracy with others creates passion and daily logins.
Using the same method to analyze incidents from all the matches creates an open environment and basis for continuous discussion within a country and a shared experience between the FA-s and confederations.
With RefPal referees and committees save time and resources while becoming passionately involved in what they love.


Major time save for everyone involved. Learning much, much more.
  • Saving time on game analyses
    (3 hours ⇒ 30 minutes)
  • Saving time on observing and evaluating
    (1 game ⇒ whole round)
  • Saving time on tests and seminars
  • Instant feedback to and from referees
  • Multiplying the experience gained


Automatic statistics in different modules reveal decision accuracy, theoretical interpretation accuracy and development of both over time.
  • Key performance indicators
  • Understanding problem areas
  • Best Practice Library
  • Accountability & transparency
  • Behaviour of teams and players
  • Usage of the system


Enhanced refereeing performances through experiences gained in RefPal lead to calmer, more confident and better prepared referees.
  • Improved technical skills
  • Improved decision accuracy
  • Improved match control
  • Improved mental strength
  • Consistency across the league


International RefPal community creates shared experiences and enables instant exchange of knowhow and opinion.
  • Creating networks between committees
  • Creating networks between referees
  • Shared experiences between countries
  • Involving experts from abroad
  • Mentoring of referees
A globally connected refereeing community
Our vision is to be the leading tool for refereeing analysis, development and preparation.
You can rely on us
Proven engagement
RefPal attracts 66% of our referees to log in daily & 80% in every two days.
Proven development
4 out of 6 Estonian FIFA referees promoted in 2018/2019. Improved decision accuracy and theoretical know-how during 3 years of use.
Created by referees
The only software on the market that is being developed and actively managed by FIFA referees working in UEFA competitions.

RefPal Services

Annual licenceVideo analysisAdministrationExpert Opinion

Learning and fun together

Full use of all the RefPal capabilities during a season.
  • Set-up of the system
  • Use of all the modules
    ○ Game & marking module
    ○ Incidents module
    ○ Statistics & rankings module
    ○ Team & player scouting module
    ○ E-Learning center (VAR, Test, Seminar, RefScale, LOTG)
    ○ International module
  • Introductory seminar for all users
  • Full support for admin users
  • Translation of the system (additional fee)

Saving time and resources

Our experienced video analysts create a refereeing highlights video of all the major refereeing incidents of a game. It gives a full performance overview, allows to focus on only the most important aspects and saves time on everything else.
  • Refereeing highlights video
    ○ Full match in 10-15 minutes
    ○ All important highlights included
    ○ Using zoom, slow-motions, still frames etc

* administration included in the service

Systematic learning made simple

To maximize the benefits of RefPal there needs to be a clear, universal and consistent way of identifying incidents from each game while coherently categorizing them into topics and subtopics. We do it for you so you can focus on evaluation and learning.
  • Creation of incidents for evaluation
  • Categorization of incidents into topics and sub-topics
  • Adding roles (players and referees)
  • Creation of thumbnails
  • Keeping the teams, players and users up-to-date

Adding international know-how

We provide you with expert comments and evaluations of each created incident based on the latest UEFA guidelines so that you have an outside view and an additional opinion.
  • An international RefPal expert evaluates all incidents
  • Comments based on latest UEFA guidelines
  • Evaluations available in 72h


Our success rate doesn't speak for itself. Here's what our clients think.

Niclas Erdmann

Referee Abroad Academy director, Germany

"RefPal marks an indispensable cornerstone of the Academy where we bring young refereeing talents from across Europe to a youth tournament and offer them a first international, professional coaching experience. RefPal helps us create consistency and a better basis for discussion and learning in the group. Research says that participative learning environments obtain the best results and this is why our officials enjoy and appreciate RefPal very much before and during the tournament."

Grigori Ošomkov

RefPal referee of the year 2019, Estonia

"RefPal has given me a professional way of analyzing my performances and i can feel a big difference in how i manage and control the games. It has also helped me reach better consistency in decision making as my yellow card accuracy has significantly increased during the last 2 seasons."

Kristo Tohver

FIFA referee, 1st category in UEFA, Estonia

"The best referees are those who have the best team around them. RefPal has given me an opportunity to work closely with my team in analyzing all of our international games, learn from our inevitable mistakes and prepare for the future. Discussing the incidents and agreeing best practices in our"Private league" has unified our approach, improved our co-operation and consistency."
4 636 Games analysed
55 396 Situations evaluated
1 465 Happy users
208 146 Logins last quarter


July 09, 2024

Estonia & VAR - data comparison 2023 vs 2024

We @RefPal have now had the chance to work with 4 countries using VAR with Azerbaijan, Kuwait, Latvia and Estonia. Some of our other partners are in the process of implementing VAR (like Finland and Faroes) and some of our new partners (soon to be published) will also be VAR countries.

As the Estonian season reaches its halfway mark of season 2024, it is a suitable time to make some comparisons of how we are faring as compared to our first season in 2023. Final remark before we go into the data - Estonia is using a VAR light system with no replay operator (Video match official is working with the videos himself) as we only have 6 cameras per match. We are not using the offside line technology so there are far less interventions for offsides. Comparison between 2023 and 2024
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April 12, 2024

RefPal now already in 11 leagues!

We are proud to announce that from season 2024 Iceland’s 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧 has become our 10th league to join with 72 referees and observers from the Elite panel. The games of the opening matchday of the season (5.-7.04) were uploaded at the beginning of this week and only in a few days 40+ people have submitted their evaluations.

We also welcome our 11th league at the same time as our longest standing partner Finland has introduced RefPal in their men’s first division 𝐘𝐤𝐤ö𝐧𝐞𝐧. And we know, these will be far from only additions to RefPal in 2024.

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January 10, 2024

Extreme Ownership: Navy Seals & Referees, what do we share?

I recently stumbled upon a leadership book "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. Two Navy seals mapping out 12 leadership principles based on their experiences in combat (Battle of Ramadi, Iraq war) and how those can be applied to any business.
8 of those principles resonated with my refereeing experience and while some I have been following, others I can improve in. Here are potential takeaways for any referee.

Principles(I have kept the original number of the principle from the book)

#1 - Extreme Ownership
A leader must own everything in his or her world. Both his mistakes and mistakes of his team are his fault. Every mistake, every failure or shortfall - own it.

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Learn more about the benefits of RefPal, see the system close-up, get deeper input on how & why RefPal works, and how it makes your referees work.
ADDRESS Jalgpalli 21, 11312, Tallinn, EstoniaPHONE +372 529 3294, Kristo Tohver, LinkedIn: RefPal, Instagram: refpal.networkSAY HELLO info@refpal.orgSUPPORT support@refpal.org
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